The Most Important Decision You Have to Make Before You Reopen: Who Do You Bring Back?

The Most Important Decision You Have to Make Before You Reopen: Who Do You Bring Back?
By Mel Kleiman
Over the last six weeks, you have been forced to either close your business down completely or, in even the best-case scenarios, cut way back. You’ve made many of the toughest decisions in your entire business career, maybe in your entire life. Maybe you had to let all your employees go.
Now, as you start to think about what things will look like when you’re back in business again, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to push the restart button and come back better and stronger than ever:
1. When it comes to your employees, bring back only the best – period. You’ll need to run lean and mean, so each and every one of them must be an A-player you can count on to do their job with excellence while following the systems and procedures that make protecting public health their A#1 priority. Why? Because that’s what it’s going to take to make your customers trust you enough to return.
2. When it comes to the tasks that need to be done, now’s the time to find better, faster, cleaner ways to do them (and to consider if they even need to be done in the first place). Now is the perfect time to streamline systems and redefine responsibilities.
Let’s face it, when it comes to cleanliness, public health and customer service, good will no longer be good enough. To have any hope of winning back your customers’ confidence, business as usual will mean your people, products, services and location will need to be cleaner and safer in every obvious way possible.
It is not the fast who beat the slow or the big who beat the small. It is the focused and the flexible who beat the unfocused and the inflexible.
P.S. Now is one of the best times that ever existed to hire star employees as untold numbers of them have filed for unemployment.
Mel Kleiman is the founder and president of Humetrics and can be reached at 713-771-4401, info@humetrics.com