Tap-and-Go Test Site

Tap-and-Go Test Site
Tania Moffat
Gales Gas Bars has operated a test-site for Wayne Fuels’ and Bulloch Technologies’ latest point-of-sale (POS) technology since July 2019; this is a follow-up report.
Gales Gas Bars is a family-run company that has been serving Ontario residents since 1967. Jessica Friesen, a third-generation owner and operator of the business since 2014, has worked diligently to expand and upgrade the company’s offerings. When offered the opportunity to act as a test site for a new payment technology, she jumped at the chance.
The new tap-at-the-pump payment technology was installed last summer (2019) at Gale’s Martindale Road location in St. Catharines, Ontario. The new point-of-sale system was launched by Wayne Fuels, a global fuel dispenser manufacturer at the front of technological advances in partnership with Bulloch Industries, a market leader in petroleum point-of-sale technology.
“Customers seem to be very pleased with the new system. They can pull up, tap their card and begin pumping their fuel,” says Friesen. Benefits of the system include protecting customers from having their pins stolen and damage to the machines from heavy or incorrect card use.
Friesen indicates that sales are up at this location, but that it is hard to determine whether or not it is from the tap-and-go feature. When asked if the system had decreased convenience store sales, she stated that it hadn’t had any real effect on store sales.
Looking forward, Friesen says she has not considered adding the technology to any other of Gales sites at this time. “Our focus is on other areas at this time,” she says, but adds it isn’t off the table and would look into opportunities in the future.
Tap-and-go pay at the pump service will become more popular as the future of pump payment technology strives to make every transaction more convenient for the customer.
Tania Moffat is a freelance writer, editor, photographer and marketer. She has over 16 years of experience in the publishing industry and can be reached at info@chiccountrylife.com