Meeting the Needs of Seniors

Golden opportunity lies in meeting needs of seniors

by: Angela Altass

The population proportion of seniors aged 65 and older has been increasing steadily over the past 40 years, according to Statistics Canada. Demographic projections show that this increase is expected to continue rapidly until 2031 when all baby boomers will have reached 65.


For Wayne in British Columbia, friendly service is a key factor.

Patricia from Prince Edward Island says she would consider shopping at a convenience store for occasional items if there was one situated close to her home.

Lisa of Manitoba shops at convenience stores when she is in a hurry and doesn’t want to wait in line at a larger store.

Vera of Nova Scotia shops at convenience stores while traveling.

Pat from Ontario says that although she personally doesn’t shop at convenience stores, her husband, Rod, buys lottery tickets at the local convenience store.

James of Ohio feels that such items as milkshakes and coffee, speed of service, less congested parking lots and clean stores could attract seniors to convenience store shopping.

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