Lighting Technology

Lighting Technology

Exciting colour changing capabilities have now since been added allowing carwash operators to initiate wow factor colour changing venues within the carwash itself as the vehicle either sits or travels through the tunnel.

This type of out of the box thinking has resulted in c-store/carwash clients realizing a plus 30 percent increase in carwash sales.


Lighten Up – technology will show you the way.

by: Dave Bowen

Retail petroleum/c-store/carwash sites are right on the edge of becoming the new wave of new product and technology access to a large cross section of active consumers. I know this to be true as I saw this fall’s line up of new TV shows and numerous re-makes from the old days.

I don’t have a lot of time for TV but one that caught my eye coming back this fall is the Jetson’s. Many of you may not even remember this space age cartoon, or have ever heard of it, but it was full of pie in the sky unique ideas, concepts and created products and technology that we would never see in our lifetime – problem is all this is now real and passing us even faster.

Many years ago, when LED first hit the market everyone rushed to get their canopies re-lit with pure almost white light greatly impacting the look of their site while realizing large reductions in hydro.

1 Comment

  1. Saffire Solutions

    Thanks for sharing such an useful article. After reading the article i feel it this is best article about LED lighting technology.


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