Do You Love Your Wholesaler?

By Stéphane Bouchard
I hope so! Because we love you, our faithful retail entrepreneurs and suppliers!
What an industry! I’ve been leading sales and marketing at Regitan Wholesale for over 25 years. I left Coca-Cola to join the family business, and boy what a change that was for me. When you work for a manufacturer, your vision of the world is very different than when you are working for the wholesaler side in the industry. It’s like my world exploded into an untapped universe of opportunities. A wholesaler is everything to everyone!
When my father-in-law, our president Mark Tobenstein, took over the family business some 60 years ago, he recalls easily having over 40 competitors in the local market. Today we are but a handful! I could say half a dozen of us really nationally, dedicated to the business. So, as you can imagine, it’s not an easy industry.
Today, the cost of transport is very high and getting the right people is never easy. But with hard work and good partners, we managed to keep our prices competitive, volumes growing and our employees happy. Most have worked for us as long as I have. It’s all about the people, Mr Tobenstein always says. Many of our 3000 plus customers are family-owned businesses, some dealing with us for over 30 years! Our customer needs have evolved over the years, more products, more specialty foods. It’s an ongoing synergy: Retailer/supplier/wholesaler. Sharing ideas and always modernizing our operations.
So back to my question. Do you love your wholesaler Mr. Retailer? Boy, I hope so! If I had a retail store today, I would certainly depend on my wholesaler in many ways. Here are the essential qualities I would look for:
A distributor that has all the technology. From online ordering to reporting that will help you run and understand your business, to live order tracking.
A flexible distributor. When it comes to your deliveries, sometimes you can’t wait for an order.
A distributor that offers the new items and selections your customers need and want. Regitan specifically has a monthly flyer that shows you everything that is new and on promotion.
A distributor that can take back the merchandise. Mistakes happen.
A distributor that has someone you can easily call to get answers and support. Having a dedicated, fluently multi-lingual, and experienced customer service agent is very important.
A distributor that is a true sales organization. Not just waiting for your order but calling you and promoting products and specials so you have everything you need at the right time and the right price.
A distributor that will not force you to sign buying contracts and leave you the ability to remain the owner of your store and free to buy where you want and when you want.
A distributor that respects you as an entrepreneur. That understands the work you do every day in your store and the long hours it takes to stay open really. Things aren’t easy for the retailer. They all need support and better partnerships starting with proper levels of credit.
A distributor that is a true ONE STOP SHOP. For example, Regitan offers an array of products that truly set us apart in the industry. Tobacco, confectionary and beverages are the norm, the basics really, but then to this we add the wines. Quebec food retailers are fortunate in having the ability to sell wine in their stores. Then, the refrigerated items. Many beverages are now refrigerated, like Rise Kombucha drinks, that has been all the rage for quite some time. Frozen foods are key as well. The items we carry are for take home, like pizzas, fries and cakes. These items bring in a certain clientèle in the convenience store. All Health and Beauty, like Tylenol, paper goods and everything in-between: 8,000 SKUs offered to our valued customers. Your wholesale has to have it all available to you. Plus, he needs to sell it to you in eaches, or half cases, so that you are not overstocked.
It’s what we call a full-service distributor. Rare and important to the industry. Our type of business caters to all kinds of retailers. If there is a cash register and passersby, we can help you increase your business. We also have a specialty division focused on imported and exclusive foods in Canada.
Mr. Supplier, what about you? Do you love your wholesaler? I hope you do! Because we love you as well. We need your support and the drive with which you present us your new items, well supported with specials and promotions that feed our sales organization. Because it’s all about the sales! In the end it’s what we all want. Growth, growth and more growth! But never at the expense of sensible business margins. We’ve seen giants in the wholesale industry take a knee from the pressures of maintaining volumes at the expense of their bottom lines.
The independent trade is hard to reach and most manufacturers are hesitant to invest in the independent convenience channel. That’s where we come in! Our reps, our service and the broadest range of products offered make for a powerful offer to the retailers and so we are very important to our manufacturer friends who also feel the pressures of cost increases.
If you are a retailer or manufacturer, likely you are dealing with one us few full-service retail food wholesalers in the country that have built their business on family values and old school business principles. I have been fortunate enough to have worked with many of the leading wholesalers in the country and all of us have something in common: Real world experience people that understand the business. John Carbone and his team at Coremark, Peter Kerr at Sobeys, Raymond Bouchard at Metro, The Beaudry cousins at JP Beaudry and of course, your faithful team here at Distribution Regitan. If one of us is your partner, you’re on the right track to success: Geographic reach, product diversity, high service levels, experience with a good dose of entrepreneurship, It’s all there! Give us a call today and just ask the question: How can I grow my business with you? You’ll see we will have the answer you’re looking for.
Thank you to all who support the wholesale industry in Canada. What an untapped universe of opportunities it is.
Stéphane Bouchard is vice-president of distribution at Regitan Limited, one of Canada’s largest food distribution companies. He has been a leading member of the food retail industry for over 25 years. Past board member of NACDA, ADA and many other associations, Stéphane is committed to celebrating the independent retail channel and to the continued development of the strategic network between retail-manufacture and wholesale companies in Canada. He can be reached at 1.800.667.3761 / sbouchard@regitan.com.