Blueprint for Foodservice

Blueprint for Foodservice

Lunch and learn… Lunch and earn

Pro sticks snack

Sold as a ‘grab n’ go’ item, ProSticks can be consumed cold with a salad or right out of the package with dipping sauce.

You know the sound that your stomach makes to let you know it’s hungry….the growl and the grumble that you can’t ignore?  You’re either in transit getting from one place to another, or you have a time constraint that prevents you from dining out.  Yet you crave something more substantial than a candy bar regardless of how satisfying it claims to be. Your best bet is to stop at a local convenience store.

What is your most popular lunch product?

What other lunch products might you offer your customers?

Is there a tiered approach to offering an effective lunch program?

According to Woods, the easiest and least expensive way to enter the lunch occasion is by roller grill and deli sandwiches, fresh or frozen. “As you develop your clientele, you’ll figure out if there is a need to expand into hot foods and ready-made meals, prepared on site.”

Beyond food, flavours and promotions, the interior of a c-store should be conducive to a foodservice setting – a manner that maintains superior food quality while on display, in storage and during preparation.  Space for seating, as desired, is also an option that should be considered.

What kind of money is there to be made from a lunch foodservice program?

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