Be caffeine smart

Be caffeine smart

Be caffeine smart

by Becki Holmes

As a working mom with two kids, caffeine (in pretty much any form) helps me achieve my daily goals. On the flip side, prioritizing sleep is a year-round combat especially with kids in the equation.

Cold brew coffees are often steeped for extended periods of time, which is why caffeine levels in these products are frequently higher than that of drip coffee.

 It’s not rocket science to know that I’m a better, more productive, and more approachable human after a solid night’s rest. Anyone who knows me also can attest that I’m even more approachable and productive after a solid cup of coffee! But like everything, balance and moderation is key.

Cold brew coffees are often steeped for extended periods of time, which is why caffeine levels in these products are frequently higher than that of drip coffee.


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