10 Stars for the 10th Women in Carwash Conference!

10 Stars for the 10th Women in Carwash Conference!

By Gretchen Matthews

Some things just keep getting better with age. Women in Carwash is one of them. The 10th biannual conference met June 16-18 at the Hilton Salt Lake City Centre, Utah, drawing women from across the U.S. and Canada for two and a half days of events that founder Brenda Jane Johnstone knows are a winning formula  – enthusiastic and informative workshops, discussion groups, presentations, and networking sessions. Women in Carwash has become synonymous with positive vibe, and for good reason.

Networking opportunities at the 10th conference began with the kickoff cocktail reception on the opening night and more ‘networking breaks’ were scheduled between workshops throughout the two days. Rooms full of women energized by hearing great content had no trouble relating to one another, and the burgeoning friendships will last long after the event ends. Lisa Kroeber of North American Signs says, “As a first-time attendee, it was one of the most unconventional conferences I have ever attended for networking. I made several new connections, had numerous productive conversations, had a blast, and made great memories.”

Presentations and workshops covered personal and professional growth. After dinner on the first evening, keynote speaker Karen Hutton, CEO of ModWash and Hutton Build, kicked things off. She encouraged attendees to “Be the Positive Ripple” and recognize that what they do in every aspect of their lives can impact others for the better. Connie Lee Bennett, founder of Meraki Training Academy, started day two with tips for busting stress and giving confident presentations. Then breakout groups began.

Candace Colucci, founder of Colucci Law Group, taught time management techniques. Jennifer Klismet of Vilardi Wealth Management explained the ins and outs of personal finance, including retirement plans, tax reimbursement, and investment. And, food journalist Veronica Hendrix, founder of CollardGreensandCaviar.com brought flair, information, and tasty ingredients to demonstrate healthy meal planning.

Some attendees were surprised by the number of topics. “It was a great conference! The problem is prioritizing what I learned, so I can make the biggest difference the quickest,” says Janae Warner of Mammoth Holdings.

Hannah Skaanland, CEO of Elephant Car Wash, led a workshop on conflict resolution and communication skills while Diane Stafford, president of UpTalent Solutions, explained how Predictive Intelligence — an understanding of each person’s strengths, needs and skills — can help individuals and teams thrive in business.  Michele Geertsema of Mammoth Holdings says, “It was one of the best experiences I have had. Not only was I able to connect with other women, I learned a lot about myself as an individual and as a leader.”

Amy Olson, consumer marketing expert at WashCard systems says, “I loved the group size. There were really good topics and discussions. The Women in Carwash Conference is so much more than that. You learn, challenge yourself and have great conversations about business. You also find your ‘people.’ This is such a great family to be a part of.” She was a presenter too, teaching customer engagement techniques so that washes can stay competitive in the ever-changing market.

Three speakers gave an in-depth workshop on investing in carwash real estate: Melissa Croll, associate partner of Atlee Realty; Jacquline Goohs, founder of Working Globally, Closing Locally Realty; and Tiffany Cartwright, senior sales consultant at Paychex. In another session, Autumn Francis, a specialist in real estate development for Hutton Construction, explained the myriad aspects of project management.

Finally, to provide a broader perspective and raise awareness, Shelley Walker, CEO of the Women’s Trucking Federation of Canada, delivered a powerful presentation — “Human Trafficking – Know How to Spot It and Together We Can Stop It.” She explained tips for identifying victims and their traffickers hiding in plain sight and how to report this heinous crime.

The conference empowered women to change their workplaces, communities, and their own lives. Melissa Croll says, “The aspect I love most about the Women in Carwash conference is the sisterhood and bonds we form with all the women. We are making friends with likeminded and goal-oriented individuals that are all trying to better themselves in some way. I also really enjoy listening to the speakers and learning about their backgrounds. Brenda does a wonderful job of selecting relatable speakers that inspire and teach us new things.  When you leave you feel a sense of accomplishment and it sparks a drive for further excellence in me personally, listening to these inspirational women and their journeys in their careers.”

MaryAnn Irvine, president of London Mat Industries/Tapeswitch Canada agrees. She says, “I appreciated the opportunity to reconnect with attendees from previous conferences and form positive and uplifting friendships. I also enjoyed attending sessions that focused on personal growth and confidence. It was reassuring to know that I’m not alone in needing help and support, and it’s empowering to be able to share my own experiences that possibly may help someone else.”

Women in Carwash attracts many repeat participants. In Salt Lake City, 40 per cent of attendees were alumni, meaning they had attended at least one Women in Carwash conference over the past five years. Exit surveys revealed overwhelming satisfaction with the 10th conference as well. New attendees said they want to come again and feel they are a part of something greater than themselves. “As someone new to the industry,” says Mara Sanders of Sonnys Direct, “this was a great tool for information and resources. It helped me feel less intimidated in an unfamiliar space and has energized me to keep pushing forward for the future of Women in Carwash.”

Founder Brenda Jane Johnstone welcomes every woman in the industry to come and experience this biannual conference for herself. It is a special place of connection, belonging, community, and professional growth with a worth that far surpasses the ticket price. The next Women in Carwash conference is in Charleston, SC, January 19-21, 2025. Register at www.womenincarwash.com today.

Gretchen Matthews founded Chesapeake Quill to help businesspeople improve their writing skills. She has been a presenter at the biannual Women in Carwash conference and is a regular contributor to Convenience and Carwash Canada. Contact her at gmatthews@chesapeakequill.com.


  1. Jordan

    Great to see more gender diversity in the industry!

    • bjjohnstone@convenienceandcarwash.com

      Thank you Jordan, I appreciate you replying. The Women in Carwash Conference is growing, and women (and men) are benefitting from the collaboration of so many. bj


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